Statement of Faith

In Christ Ministries believes:

  • In one God manifest in three Persons – The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.
  • In the inspiration of all the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit, and that they are the final authority for our faith and practice.
  • In the creation of the human race in God’s image as immortal, morally responsible beings whose purpose is to serve and glorify God. Mankind chose rather to serve self-interest and thus all have sinned, creating the need for individual reconciliation to God.
  • In the Incarnation and Virgin Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ who, by His shed blood, substitutionary death, and bodily Resurrection, paid the redemptive price for our sins.
  • In the salvation of all who trust the Lord Jesus Christ and the just condemnation of all who reject Him.
  • In the work of God’s Spirit in the new birth, indwelling the believer, enabling him to grow in the likeness of Christ, and filling him with power to live a life committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
  • In the union of all believers as one body in Christ.
  • In the bodily Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to claim His own people and to set all things in order.
